Friday, January 23



Sunday, January 4

new moon... turning into an eclipse

i've just finished with new moon... should be starting with eclipse say, next tuesday? when i meet with claire to get the book.

so... lets see, edward's back with bella, jacob's become like a total stranger to her. the two mortal enemies have a common goal now, to hunt down victoria. wonder how would the story continue in eclipse... can't wait can't wait. (:

i'm really not an usual guy. i don't see anyone close to my type being so engrossed in novel. especially these soapy love stories. i must have blown a fuse or two somewhere in my brain uh. haha.

i've finally had that mee rebus today. though i've got to wake up super duper early, travel from west to east just to get my ass there, it was worth all the trouble. (:
seems like vegan mee rebus haven't got much difference from the normal ones. except maybe a tad too much of ginger shreds? or at least i thought those crunchy stuffs taste like ginger. the vegan bee hoon is a close fight with the one i usually have at redhill too.

all these can be found under a super old/run down coffeeshop at ubi's housing estate. i must say, that coffeeshop totally don't belong to the whole HDB flat structure. everything else seems more modern than the shop itself.

oh! by the way, it also have a stall selling those roasted meats and they look convincingly tasty too, i didn't try, cause my agenda there was their mee rebus, not roasted meats. (:

home by bus after mee rebus. i was freakishly bloated. damn my garfield appetite. one day i'm gonna land myself in hospital just because i gorge like how garfield does it.

and thou shall name gorging, "doing a garfield" (: ; sweet!


Saturday, January 3

work, old friend and best friend

yesterday was my last day working at heeren ny, starting from next week onwards, i'll be up at diners.
nothing much to be excited about cause i'm not looking forward to my stay up there. most probably i'll leave in about a month or two.
work yesterday was hell of a bore. kah leong, kai wei, shairul and me were like stoning 3/4 of our time there while big sister ju was texting away.
jade 'complemented' that i was a tweet(or something like that luh), whatever does that mean? anyone care to explain the meaning to me?
dinner over at geylang with claire. thought that jane was coming, but in the end she left for home. had char kway teow cravings thanks to kai wei. so ate that at some coffeeshop by the road as best friend and i chat a little bit. it was the last day we 2 are colleagues ): won't get to meet that much often after this i guess. i'll miss you more (:


SMARTY OLD FRIEND! you're not forgotten. don't worry, i won't forget that i have an old friend of 6 years plus ok! (:

that's was pretty much what i want to write about.
bye peeps,
enjoy the weekend. school starts next monday ):
but i'll be catching my long post-poned twilight on tuesday, hopefully it won't get postponed yet again. ((:

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Friday, January 2

2009, a brand new beginning

First of all, Happy New Year to everyone!

i haven't got much to blog anyway. yeah. just happy new year.
